@misc{76152, author = {David Richardson and Roberto Buizza and Laura Ferranti and A Ghelli and G. van der Grijn and Ervin Zsótér}, title = {Verification statistics and evaluations of ECMWF forecasts in 2005-2006.}, abstract = {This document presents recent verification statistics and evaluations of ECMWF forecasts. Recent changes to the data assimilation/forecasting and post-processing system are summarised in Section 2. Verification results of the medium-range free atmosphere ECMWF forecasts are presented in Section 3, including, when available, a comparison of ECMWF forecast performance with that of other global forecasting centres. Section 4 deals with the verification of ECMWF forecasts of weather parameters and ocean waves, while severe weather events are addressed in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 provides insights into the performance of monthly and seasonal forecast systems. A short technical note describing the scores used in this report is given in Annex A.}, year = {2006}, journal = {ECMWF Technical Memoranda}, number = {504}, pages = {42}, month = {11/2006}, publisher = {ECMWF}, url = {https://www.ecmwf.int/node/11902}, doi = {10.21957/wflgkg43l}, language = {eng}, }