@misc{73451, author = {Erik Andersson and J. Haseler and P. Undén and P. Courtier and G.A. Kelly and Drasko Vasiljevic and C. Brankovic and Carla Cardinali and C. Gaffard and A. Hollingsworth and C. Jakob and Peter Janssen and E. Klinker and A. Lanzinger and M.J. Miller and Florence Rabier and Adrian Simmons and B. Strauss and Jean-Noël Thépaut and P. Viterbo}, title = {The ECMWF implementation of three dimensional variational assimilation. Part III: Experimental results}, year = {1998}, journal = {ECMWF Technical Memoranda}, number = {243}, pages = {36}, month = {01/1998}, publisher = {ECMWF}, address = {Shinfield Park, Reading}, url = {https://www.ecmwf.int/node/7752}, doi = {10.21957/k75n9aqa}, language = {eng}, }