@misc{77933, keywords = {workshop, UCAR, NCEP, EURRA, European regional reanalysis project}, author = {F. Mesinger and G. DiMego and Eugenia Kalnay and Perry Shafran and W. Ebisuzaki and Dusan Jovic and J. Woollen and K. Mitchell and E. Rogers and Ernesto Berbery and M. Ek and Yun Fan and Robert Grumbine and W. Higgins and Hong Li and Ying Lin and Geoff Manikin and D. Parrish and W. Shi}, title = {The North American Regional Reanalysis: Results Obtained and Lessons Learned}, year = {2005}, journal = {Workshop on European Reanalysis project (EURRA)}, month = {2005}, language = {eng}, }