Order real-time forecasts

National meteorological services of ECMWF Member and Co-operating States and their authorised users are granted full access to ECMWF real-time products via their computing representative.

All other users need a licence to gain access to the Catalogue of ECMWF Real-time Products.

1. Select products

If you have not already done so, you first need to consult the Catalogue of ECMWF Real-Time Products and make your selection of ECMWF products using the templates provided within the catalogue.

2. Contact your licensor

What to expect after contacting your licensor

3. Quotation and negotiation

Your licensor will contact you with a price quotation and discuss your needs to refine your data requirements and help optimise your request to save you money, time and ensure you get the most appropriate products and the right licence type.

Real-time data may be delivered directly by ECMWF or via the Member or Co-operating State National Meteorological Service chosen. This choice needs to be specified at this stage.

4. Licensing and dissemination set-up

If you decide to go ahead, we will prepare the standard licence agreement for your signature and guide you through the set-up of your data dissemination.