17th Workshop on High Performance Computing in Meteorology

ECMWF | Reading | 24-28 October 2016

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Keynote speakers:

Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee

Thomas Schulthess, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS)

Workshop description

Every second year ECMWF hosts a workshop on the use of high performance computing in meteorology. High performance computer architectures are becoming ever more complex which presents significant challenges for the ongoing development of operational meteorological applications. This workshop looked at the issues surrounding the scalability of NWP codes and the steps that will be required to enable us to use future large scale heterogeneous computer systems.

Workshop aims

Our aim is to provide a venue where users from our Member States and around the world can report on their experience and achievements in the field of high performance computing during the last two years; plans for the future and requirements for computing power were also be presented.

Vendors of supercomputers had the opportunity to talk to managers and end users of meteorological computer centres about their current and future products. Meteorological scientists presented their achievements in the development of parallel computing techniques and algorithms, and exchanged ideas on the use of supercomputers in future research. Computer scientists gave an update on their efforts in providing tools which will help users to exploit the power of supercomputers in the field of meteorology. The challenges of creating a computer centre infrastructure for HPC were discussed.

The workshop consisted of presentations from invited speakers, plus a series of 30 minute contributions.


Monday 24 October

Welcome and opening
Isabella Weger (ECMWF)
Two years into ECMWF's Scalability Programme: What have we achieved?
Peter Bauer (ECMWF)
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The evolving state-of-the-art in global numerical weather prediction
Nils Wedi (ECMWF)
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Met Office HPC update
Paul Selwood (Met Office)
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Fifty years of NWP at DWD - and what to expect in the future?
Ulrich Schättler (DWD)
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Computing at NCAR
Dave Hart (NCAR)
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RAPS14 benchmark on 2nd generation Intel Xeon Phi processor
Mikko Byckling (Intel)
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Experiences Optimizing NWP for Intel's Xeon Phi, Knights Landing
John Michalakes (UCAR)
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HBM code modernization
Jacob Weismann-Poulsen and Per Berg (DMI)
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ECMWF's Next Generation IO for the IFS Model and Product Generation
Tiago Quintino (ECMWF)

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IO Performance Evaluation on Massive Data Processing at NCI High Performance Computing Platform
Rui Yang (NCI)
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Emerging Cyber Infrastructure for NASA's Large-Scale Climate Data Analytics
Daniel Duffy (NASA)
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Tuesday 25 October

An overview of HPC and the Changing Rules at Exascale
Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee)

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A codesign effort to get ECMWF's IFS model to an extreme O(100) OpenMP threads per MPI task for the [Peta,Exa]Scale
George Mozdzynski (ECMWF)

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Determining Optimal MPI Process Placement for Large-Scale Meteorology Simulations with SGI MPIplace
James Southern (SGI)

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Optimizations on ARPEGE and AROME
Philippe Marginaud (Météo-France)

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Hardware specific optimizations in ESCAPE
Peter Messmer (NVIDIA)

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The system design of the next generation supercomputer: Post K computer
Sumimoto Shinji (Fujitsu)

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Preparing atmospheric modeling codes for the latest generation MIC architecture (KNL)
James Rosinski (NOAA)

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Scaling Weather Climate and Environmental Science Applications, and Experiences with Intel Knights Landing
Ben Evans (NCI)

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HPC Performance Advances for Existing US Navy NWP Systems
Tim Whitcomb (NRL)

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High-resolution results of the GEM model
HPC Renewal Project
Vivian Lee, Alain St-Denis (Environment and Climate Change Canada)

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Wednesday 26 October

Exascale computing: endgame or new beginning for climate modelling?
Thomas Schulthess (CSCS)
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Parallelization of the FV3 Dycore for GPU and MIC processors
Mark Govett (NOAA)
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Supercomputing Trends in Earth System Modelling
Philip Brown (Cray)
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Development and Testing of a Next Generation Spectral Element Model for the US Navy
Alex Reinecke (NRL)
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Asynchronicity - The Challenge of Fine-Grained Parallelism
Luis Kornblueh (MPI)

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Solutions to growing intensity of climate and meteorological data
Eng Lim Goh (SGI)
ecProf meets High Resolution IFS forecast model at ECMWF
Deborah Salmond, Sami Saarinen (ECMWF)
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Investigating and Vectorizing IFS on a Cray Supercomputer
Ilias Katsardis (Cray)
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Towards Exascale Computing with the Atmospheric Model NUMA
Andreas Müller (ECMWF)
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A seven-year programme to enhance the computational and numerical prediction capabilities of the Bureau's forecast and warning services
Tim Pugh (BoM)
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Testing performance and scaling for NOAA's next generation global modeling system
John Michalakes (UCAR)
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Thursday 27 October

More accuracy with less precision: An information theoretic paradigm for weather and climate simulation
Tim Palmer (University of Oxford)
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NVIDIA HPC directions for Earth System Models
Stan Posey (NVIDIA), Dave Norton (PGI)
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Operational numerical weather prediction on a GPU-accelerated cluster supercomputer
Carlos Osuna (MeteoSwiss)
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The future of Data Centric Computing: OpenPOWER roadmap
Cristiano Malossi (IBM Research - Zurich)
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Computational Efficiency of the Aerosol Scheme in the Met Office Unified Model
Mark Richardson (UKCA)
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An Introduction to the LFRic Project
Mike Hobson (UK Met Office)
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How Bull contributes to MeteoProjects?
Xavier Vigouroux (ATOS)
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Scalability of MOM5, NEMO and MOM6 on NCI's Raijin supercomputer
Marshall Ward (NCI)
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The evolution and revolution required for exascale
John Goodacre (University of Manchester)
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The Panel: What does the future look like for NWP application development?
John Michalakes (UCAR)

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Friday 28 October

Forecasts Applications driven by High-Performance Computing at The Weather Company
Todd Hutchinson (Weather Company)
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Scaling the Software and Advancing the Science of Global Modeling and Assimilation Systems at NASA
William Putman (NASA)
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Optimising IFS observation processing: a case study in scalability enhancement
Peter Lean (ECMWF)
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Advances in Time-Parallel Four-Dimensional Data-Assimilation In a Modular Software Framework
Brian Etherton (NOAA)
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Large scale heterogeneous applications made easy with Allinea
Florent Lebeau (Allinea)
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Performance Optimisation and Productivity
Nick Dingle (NAG)
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