Workshop on Radiation and Cloud-radiation in Numerical Modelling

The Workshop on Radiation and Cloud-radiation in Numerical Modelling was held from 15 to 17 October 1980.


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Comparison of the influence of different radiation parameterizations on 10-day forecasts

U Cubasch

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Sensitivity of the radiation field to cloud cover. (Lecture given by Y. Fouquart)

Y Fouquart

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Some diagnostics of the cloud radiation interaction on ECMWF forecasting model

J-F Geleyn

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Cloud-radiation parameterization schemes

A Hense

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Cloud-radiation parameterization schemes

G F Herman

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Cloud parameterization for medium range forecasting models

G W Paltridge

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Long wave radiation fluxes in partially cloudy atmosphere

W G Panhans

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Cloud climatology from satellites

E Raschke

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The influence of bulk and microphysical structure on the radiative properties of water clouds

A Slingo

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Interactive cloud and radiation in the Meteorological Office general circulation model

J Slingo (Lecture given by J F B Mitchell)

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