Workshop on Tropical Meteorology and Its Effects on Medium Range Weather Prediction at Middle Latitudes

The Workshop on Tropical Meteorology and Its Effects on Medium Range Weather Prediction at Middle Latitudes was held from 11 to 13 March 1981.


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Initialization in the tropics

A Hollingsworth

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Sensitivity experiments on the monsoon onset to differential heating

T N Krishnamurti

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Onset of the 1979 summer monsoon - ECMWF level III-b analysis and forecast experiments

P Kållberg

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Vorticity transport in deep cumulus convection

R P Pearce

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The effects of disturbances on the tropical circulation

E Ruprecht

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ECMWF Operational forecasts in the SW and NE monsoon regions

D B Shaw

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Predictability of the tropical atmosphere

J Shukla

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Tropical influences on stationary wave motion in middle and high latitudes

A J Simmons

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Low-level summer monsoon circulations

J A Young

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Tropical assimilation problems: cross equatorial flow, friction and equatorial waves

J A Young

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