ECMWF/ GABLS Workshop on Diurnal cycles and the stable atmospheric boundary layer

The ECMWF/GABLS Workshop on Diurnal cycles and the stable atmospheric boundary layer was held at ECMWF from 7 to 10 November 2011.


The diurnal cycles of temperature and wind are strongly influenced by small scale atmospheric processes in the stable boundary layer, in particular due to turbulent diffusion, gravity waves and radiation. Also the thermal coupling with the underlying soil through vegetation and snow plays an important role. Most large scale atmospheric models utilize rather diffusive boundary layer schemes resulting in stable boundary layers that are too thick and which show too little wind turning. Furthermore, the small scale stable boundary layer processes have strong implications for winter time temperature over continental areas, and as such making the topic an important climate issue as well. Night time wind extremes above the boundary layer are often not well represented and highly relevant for wind energy. However, attempts to implement less diffusive boundary layer schemes have shown poor objective scores and difficulties with night time and winter time continental temperatures.

The workshop reviewed the relevant research, considered the available schemes, explored the recent data sets and set out to make recommendations for large scale models.


PDF iconAnnex I: Participants

PDF iconAnnex II: Programme

PDF iconContents


Monday 7 November  


Erland Källén (Director of Research, ECMWF)


WCRP Plans and Priorities: Way Forward

Ghassem Asrar (Director WCRP)

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Session 1: Transport processes

Stable boundary large diffusion in large scale models

Anton Beljaars (ECMWF)

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Overview of 10 years of GABLS

Bert Holtslag (Wageningen University)

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Stable boundary layer issues

Gert-Jan Steeneveld (Wageningen University)

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Complex terrain effects

Joan Cuxart (University of the Balearic Islands)

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Radiation and turbulence in the SBL

John Edwards (UK Met Office)

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Gravity waves in stratified boundary layers

Carmen Nappo (Oak Ridge/NOAA)

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Tuesday 8 November  

Views on advancing the representation of the stable boundary layer in large-scale models

Thorsten Mauritsen (MPI)

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LES of SBL’s

Sukante Basu (North Carolina State University)

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Modelling convective boundary layers in the terra-incognita

Bob Beare (University of Exeter)

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GABLS-3, what did we learn?

Fred Bosveld (KNMI)

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Session 2: Impact in large scale models

Diurnal cycles in the NCAR climate model

Gunilla Svensson (Stockholm University)

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Response and sensitivity of the SNBL to added radiative forcing

Dick McNider (University Alabama)

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Experience with boundary layer formulations in the ECMWF model

Irina Sandu (ECMWF)

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Experience with TKE at Meteo France

Eric Bazile (Météo France)

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SBL in the Met Office model

Adrian Lock (UK Met Office)

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Mixing in the SBL over temperature-heterogeneous surface: LES findings and some parameterisation ideas

Dmitrii Mironov (DWD) and Peter Sullivan (NCAR)

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Coherent structures in the stable boundary layer: climatology and conceptual models of micro-fronts and solitary-trains

Phil Anderson (BAS)

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Stable and transitional boundary layers in WRF

Wayne Angevine (Colorado University)

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Wednesday 9 November  
Session 3: Coupling to the surface

High latitude campaigns and model results (effects of ice and snow)

Michael Tjernström (Stockholm University)

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Impact of surface heterogeneity on SBL processes

Rob Stoll (University of Utah)

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Simplified SBL models: what can we learn?

Bas van der Wiel (Eindhoven University)

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Aerodynamic coupling to the surface and surface temperature observations

Isabel Trigo (IM)

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Thermal coupling between boundary layer and land surface: The GLASS perspective

Martin Best (Met Office)

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The role of skin layer heat transfer in the surface energy balance

Anne Verhoef (University of Reading)



PDF iconPoster presentation abstracts

Working groups

PDF iconWorking group reports


Climatology of tropospheric solitary waves observed over an ice shelf

P.S. Anderson

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Stable and transitional (and cloudy) boundary layers in WRF

W.M. Angevine

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GABLS3-LES intercomparison study

S. Basu

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The Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) scheme in the NWP models at Meteo France

E. Bazile

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Modelling convective boundary layers in the terra-incognita

R. Beare

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The stable boundary layer in the ECMWF model

A. Belijaars

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Thermal coupling between boundary layer and land surface: The GLASS perspective

M. Best

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GABLS-3 SCM intercomparison and evaluation, what did we learn?

F.C. Bosveld

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Atmospheric boundary-layer over complex terrain

J. Cuxart

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Radiation and turbulence in the stable boundary layer

J.M. Edwards

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Overview of the GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study (GABLS)

A.A.M. Holtslag

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Stable boundary layer modelling at the Met Office

A. Lock

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Advancing closures for the stably stratified turbulence in global atmospheric models

T. Mauritsen

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Response and sensitivity of the nocturnal boundary layer over land to added longwave radiative forcing

R.T. McNider

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Mixing in the SBL over temperature-heterogenous surface: LES findings and some parameterisation ideas

D.V. Mironov

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Gravity waves in stable atmospheric boundary layers

C.J. Nappo

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Experience with the representation of stable conditions in the ECMWF model

I. Sandu

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Stable boundary layer issues

G-J. Steeneveld

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The effect of surface heterogeneity on fluxes in the stable boundary layer

R. Stoll

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Diurnal cycles in the NCAR climate model

G. Svensson

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The Arctic Ocean boundary layer: Interactions with the sea-ice surface and clouds

M. Tjernstrom

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The use of land surface temperature observations for the assessment of land surface parameterizations

I.F. Trigo

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The collapse of turbulence in the evening

B.J.H. Van der Wiel

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The role of skin layer heat transfer in the surface energy balance

A. Verhoef

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