4th Workshop on the use of GIS/OGC standards in Meteorology

ECMWF, the UK Met Office, Météo France and Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) jointly organised a dedicated 4th workshop on the use of GIS/OGC standards in meteorology. This was held at ECMWF on 4 - 6 March 2013.


The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is very active in developing standards that cater for emerging technologies and that allow interoperability between communities that previously were not able to easily communicate. Embracing these standards will allow the meteorological community to reach out to a wider audience, and keep up with the ever changing landscape of Internet-based services.

The main outcome of the first of these workshops (held at ECMWF in 2008) was the establishment in 2009 of a Memorandum of Understanding between the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the OGC, and the creation of the OGC Met Ocean Domain Working Group (DWG).

In 2010 and 2011, alignment of WMO, OGC and Aviation conceptual modelling activities took place.

Recently, the MetOcean DWG has issued a 'best practice' document for the use of Web Map Services (WMS) in meteorology, encompassing Time and Elevation.

The aim of this 4th workshop is to provide a new roadmap for the Met Ocean DWG with a focus on standards that have not yet been covered by the working group, such as Web Coverage Services (WCS), Sensor Observation Service (SOS), Sensor Web Enablement (SWE), Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD), Web Processing Service (WPS) and any other standards that may be relevant for the meteorological community.

Speakers are invited to share their plans and/or experiences in implementing OGC standards in their organisation. Vendors are invited to present their technical solutions.

It is envisaged that the workshop will consist of a limited number of presentations from invited speakers, plus a series of 15 minute contributions. There will be open discussion, working groups and plenary sessions.


PDF iconProgramme


Session 1: Opening and keynotes  

Metadata and data models in the WMO Information System

Steve Foreman (WMO)

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How Open Standards can help the Met community

Denise McKenzie (OGC)

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Met Ocean Themes in INSPIRE

Frederic Guillaud (Meteo France) and Michael Lutz (European Commission - Joint Research Centre)

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OGC MetOcean DWG progress report

Chris Little (UK Met Office)

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Session 2: Use of OGC standards  

OGC Standards Implementations at MSC/EC

Tom Kralidis (Meteorological Service of Canada)

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NSF EarthCube Layered Architecture

Chris MacDermaid (Colorado State University Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere CIRA)

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Developing Apps for tempo-spatial meteorological satellite data - using OGC Services

Uwe Voges (Con Terra GmbH)

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OGC at KNMI: current use and plans

Ernst de Vreede (KNMI)

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Session 3: OGC standards  

Best Practices for using OGC WMS with Time-Dependent or Elevation-Dependent Data

Marie-Francoise Voidrot (Meteo France)

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An Implementation of the MetOcean DWG Best Practices Proposal for WMS with GeoServer

Jürgen Seib (Deutscher Wetterdienst DWD)

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Experiences using time extent in WMS services

Stian Anfinsen (Christian Michelsen Research AS)

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Improving the Quality of Spatial Web Services with Spatineo Monitor

Ilkka Rinne (Spatineo Inc.)

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Highly customizable process-oriented software tool for trusted operational use (e.g. in ATC) to convert meteorological grid data between various OGC formats (e.g. NetCDF) with the ability to simultaneously use GIS functionality (e.g. projection)

Daniel Sacher (MeteoSolutions GmbH)

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Session 4: Application of standards  

Web Processing Standards and Application Patterns

Daniel Nüst (52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH)

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Serving Big Data through OGC WCS

Peter Baumann (Jacobs University Bremen)

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Discussion paper for a WCS2.0 Met Ocean profile

Peter Trevelyan (UK Met Office)

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Discussion paper for a WCS2.0 Met Ocean profile

Baudouin Raoult (ECMWF)

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Implementing an INSPIRE compliant WFS service

Roope Tervo (FMI)

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Meteorological symbols in SVG vector format

Chris Little (UK Met Office)

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Session 6: Use of the OGC standards  

Development of a GML Application Schema for data exchange supporting Meteorological Services for International Air Navigation

Jeremy Tandy (Met Office)

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ICAO IWXXM - Official XML Representations of METAR, SPECI, TAF, and SIGMET

Aaron Braeckel (National Center for Atmospheric Research)

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Conversion of METAR to XML using ecCodes and PyXB

Enrico Fucile (ECMWF)

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Implementation of UML Schema in Relational Databases: A case of Geographic Information

Maurizio Nagni (Centre for Environmental Data Archive, CEDA)

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Session 8: Evolution of standards  

WMS Tiling and performance

Trond Michelsen (Norwegian Meteorological Institute)

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Use of OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) Standards in the Meteorology domain


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EO and GIS techniques used in the extreme meteorological phenomena
monitoring in Romania

Anişoara Irimescu (National Meteorological Administration, Romania)

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OGC Sensor Observation Service and its Application in Practice

Arne Bröring (52°North GmbH)

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Bridging the gap: Interactive visualisation and fluent animation of multi-source and time-variant meteorological data in an operational web application based on OGC services and geospatial databases

Marc Müller (ask - Innovative Visualisierungslösungen GmbH)

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Working groups

Implementation of INSPIRE - experiences, plans and best practices PDF icon
Implementation of WCS Met Ocean profile - experiences, plans and best practices PDF icon
General Discussion PDF icon
Plenary PDF icon