ECMWF Forecast User Guide

ECMWF Forecast User Guide
User manual
Date Published
R Owens

The aim of this User Guide is to help meteorologists make the best use of the forecast products from ECMWF - to increase understanding of the ensemble forecast process, to develop new products, to reach new sectors of society, to satisfy new demands. The User Guide presents the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) and advises on how best to use the output, not least on how to build up trust in the forecast information. A good forecast that is not trusted is a worthless forecast. The emphasis is on the medium-range forecast products, as this is ECMWF's primary goal, and because medium-range NWP output generally differs significantly from dealing with short-range or seasonal NWP.

This guide is intended to give an outline of structure and use of the ECMWF IFS and how the high-resolution forecast (HRES), ensemble forecast (ENS), extended-range forecast and seasonal forecast models inter-depend and interact. Links to more detailed descriptions of processes are given, mainly at the end of each section, whilst separate online ECMWF training resources are also available to explain aspects of the ECMWF IFS more visually.

DOI 10.21957/m1cs7h
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