ERACLIM2 Symposium on Climate Reanalyses and Services for Society, University of Bern 14 December 2017

On 14 December 2017, a Symposium on 'Climate System Reanalyses for Society' was organized at the University of Bern, as part of the EU-FP7 project ERA-CLIM2 outreach activities. Symposium speakers included representatives from the European Union, the ERA-CLIM2 project and the wider scientific community. A first group of talks focused on the role of reanalyses to monitor and understand the time evolution of the Earth-system climate, and the ongoing work done, e.g., by projects such as ERA-CLIM2, to improve the quality of reanalyses. A second group of talks discussed global activities designed to improve climate services, led by the World Meteorological Organization and European Institutions.


Roberto Buizza


New reanalyses for society
Patrick Laloyaux

Ocean data assimilation for reanalysis
Matthew Martin

Coupled data assimilation methods
Andrea Storto

Observations for reanalyses
Nick Rayner

Importance of satellite data
Jörg Schulz

Reducing uncertainties in reanalysis input and products
Leo Haimberger

Developing a truly global framework for climate services: the GFCS
Michel Jarraud

Overview of ERA-CLIM2
Roberto Buizza

Reanalysis within Europe's Copernicus Initiative
Hans Hersbach

The Swiss National Centre for Climate Services
Bertrand Calpini

The European Union Sentinels
Jörg Schulz

The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)
Carolin Richter

Reanalysis stories
Stefan Brönnimann