First ‘Visualisation in Meteorology week' gets under way at ECMWF

Event logo for ECMWF Visualisation Week 2015

A week-long programme of events on visualisation in meteorology begins at ECMWF on Monday 28 September. Almost 100 external participants have registered, representing national meteorological services, research institutes and commercial organisations from around the world.

The programme includes two workshops, a Royal Meteorological Society seminar, a hands-on ‘plug-fest’, and an exhibition of visualisation systems.

This year, ECMWF is hosting the European Working Group on Operational Meteorological Workstations (EGOWS). The Centre has decided to organise EGOWS’s annual meeting to coincide with the Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems that it holds every two years. Both meetings traditionally include presentations and demonstrations of the latest developments in meteorological forecaster workstations and web mapping services.

“The two meetings are being held together this year to explore more possibilities for collaboration in technical matters and to discuss how the growing volume of forecast data can best be presented to users,” explains Stephan Siemen, who is involved in organising the event. This includes the communication of uncertainties, which was also the focus of the ‘Using ECMWF's Forecasts’ meeting in June.

“One high point of the week is the exhibition of 18 visualisation systems, including all the main forecaster workstation systems used in Europe,” Stephan adds. The Dutch national weather forecasting service (KNMI) will also give a live demonstration of Weather3DeXplorer, their virtual reality framework for 3D visualisation of meteorological data.

Programme and presentations

View the full programme for ‘Visualisation in Meteorology week 2015'.

Presentations from the event will be available online afterwards.